Why Do Christians Like War So Much?
Hey everyone and welcome back to Deeper Roots.
At church, we can often see some things that aren’t necessarily mandated in the Bible, but are instead a bit of tradition that doesn’t interfere with the gospel, namely things like an American flag on the stage to the left of a Christian flag. But there are some things that stem from these traditions or ideals that can end up becoming more than just traditions, and more than just convictions.
This week’s question was submitted online, asking: “Why do we like war so much?” While the Bible does use the idea of war to illustrate some points, American Christians seem to have taken the concept and ran with it, bringing some political undertones along for the ride.
This great question, along with the other wonderful questions we have received were submitted online, and if you want to ask you own question, you can at ibbvn.org/deeperroots. There is a form there where you can submit a question, follow up on a question, or even just give some feedback. We would love to hear it.
Thank you for joining us today. Let’s get to the conversation!
Instagram: @deeperroots_podcast
Deeper Roots is a ministry of Iglesia Biblica Bautista Vida Nueva, which is a local church in Castro Valley, CA. You can learn more about us and our church by going to our website.