Can We Be Angry at God?
Hey everyone and welcome back to Deeper Roots.
In the Bible, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, God shows anger when he is not pleased or honored with what people were doing. God was angry with Moses when he struck the rock, and Jesus was angry when the people were using a synagogue as a marketplace. God gets angry at us sinful people sometimes, and when Jesus is angry, it has been used as a model for what righteous anger actually is.
However, there’s an inherent problem when we try to flip the conversation around. Today’s question is “Is it OK to be angry at God?” The listener clarifies “Sometimes we can be bitter towards the Creator. We want to blame someone, something else besides ourselves. Can I blame God for the things that happen in my life and be angry, if not just for a little while?” Actually, we find a similar question in an extremely popular question as well, that is “If we can give God all the credit, can we also give God all the blame too?” We talk about both questions in today’s episode.
This question like the other questions we’ve talked about were submitted online using the form on our webpage, which is found at There, you’ll not only find the form, but also all our episodes as well as where else you can find the podcast. If you want to help spread this ministry to others, please share it with your friends or your church, so more people can have the opportunity to ask their own questions!
Thank you for joining us today. Let’s get to the conversation!
Instagram: @deeperroots_podcast
Deeper Roots is a ministry of Iglesia Biblica Bautista Vida Nueva, which is a local church in Castro Valley, CA. You can learn more about us and our church by going to our website.