Can Christian Artists Still Make Secular Art?
Hey everyone and welcome back to Deeper Roots.
As an artist, one of the things you want to do the most is put your heart into your work. Otherwise, it will be super obvious that you aren’t doing a good job. You know that people like Shakespeare and Michael Angelo had a passion for their crafts because the work was so hard to do and they pioneered their respective arts. You can say the same thing about every other artistic medium, be it photography, digital art, cinema and video art. People put their greatest desires into their art.
So does that mean that everything a Christian artist or even business-person does have to be directly related to God? Can Christian artists still make secular art? Because if God is supposed to be “number one” in their lives, shouldn’t Christians exclusively make Christian art or run Christian businesses. This is the core of our listener’s question this week, and it is a great topic to talk about this week on Deeper Roots.
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Thank you for joining us today. Let’s get to the conversation!
Instagram: @deeperroots_podcast
Deeper Roots is a ministry of Iglesia Biblica Bautista Vida Nueva, which is a local church in Castro Valley, CA. You can learn more about us and our church by going to our website.