Can You be a Christian and a Civil Servant?

With the current socio-political climate, there is a lot of eyes on a certain group of people: public servants. Whether that is a police officer, or a politician, the public’s eyes are all on these people in power. As a Californian, we see that happening with our own governor during the COVID crisis, and then we also see this all over the country with other politicians from other states and within the federal government. At the beginning of last summer, there was the murder of George Floyd, which reinvigorated a fight against the police as an entity. There were calls for reform, for the removal of these police officers, but there was also calls for the complete dis-establishment of the police. 

With the world seemingly falling apart around the politics of authority, it seems that today’s question is fairly relevant: “Can you be a Christian and a civil servant or politician?” We talk about the essential establishments God created for us, and how we need to be as Christians in this post-church/state country. Its a very important topic, and no matter what side of the line you may fall into, I think that it is important to listen to a different perspective. We talk about both the current state of Christians in politics and public service as well as the historical context of the American editions of God’s establishment.



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Deeper Roots is a ministry of Iglesia Biblica Bautista Vida Nueva, which is a local church in Castro Valley, CA. You can learn more about us and our church by going to our website.

Derrick Saenz

Derrick Saenz is a digital media artist, who specializes in graphic and brand design, and also works in video and photography.

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