Is There Salvation Under Duress?
Hey everyone and welcome back to Deeper Roots.
If we take a look back at history, specifically at the history of the church while it takes over Europe and afterward, you will see that there is a lot of events that seem to be big causes for the growth of the church. This sounds great, until you see that those events are often not great for the people involved. Take for example, the Spanish Inquisition, or the Crusades. These events resulted in the deaths of thousands of people in an attempt to spread the “gospel” (with quotes). But why would there need to be such bloodshed and threats if you are spreading the good news? Today’s listener asks “Is Salvation Under Duress True Salvation?”
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Deeper Roots is a ministry of Iglesia Biblica Bautista Vida Nueva, which is a local church in Castro Valley, CA. You can learn more about us and our church by going to our website.