What should Christians do regarding the COVID Vaccine?

Hey everyone and welcome back to Deeper Roots. 

One of the most influential events of the generation has been going on for over a year now, that is the Coronavirus pandemic. It has been a rocky year for a lot of people. Lots of bothers and sisters from our church have been… effected, to say the least. There is a lot of pain going around because of the pandemic, and I hope that is understood that as individuals, we can take actions to prevent the further spread of the virus. Our church has been on board since the beginning, social distancing and limiting our crew to the essentials. We believe that the church is an essential function of society, but that doesn’t mean we are going to ignore the risk at hand.

But as time progresses, we are entering a new part of the pandemic, the part where we have the vaccine! But the country is still split on this vaccine, and frankly so is the American Church. So. Using the words of the person who asked vibatim, today’s question is “What role should Christians play in the current COVID Vaccine dilemma”. What should you as a Christian do regarding the vaccine? I hope you listen through and hear what we have to say on the Deeper Roots podcast.

Derrick Saenz

Derrick Saenz is a digital media artist, who specializes in graphic and brand design, and also works in video and photography.


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