How do we Resolve Conflicts Within the Youth Group?

Hey everyone and welcome back to Deeper Roots. 

At IBBVN, one of the priorities of the church is its youth ministry. We see the youth ministry as not only the future of our local church, but the future of the church in general. Being one of the people in the team that leads the youth ministry, I can say that it is difficult to be in the leadership position, considering that the teens in the youth group are a complete generation away from me. I am 23 years old, so I am not that far off from their age, but I can already see and feel the differences between my generation’s culture and the teens’ culture.

One aspect of leadership is to be able to deal with issues as they come up between the teens. This is confrontations, possible fights, the unity between the members, and so much more, but over everything is their spiritual lives. When anything starts falling apart for them, sometimes their faith takes a hit. So today’s question is all about that: how do we resolve conflicts within the youth group?

I will note that the question initially submitted was worded differently, but we hope that we got the spirit of the question in this version of it. We talk about and acknowledge the possibility of unfair treatment, and biblical ways to resolve conflicts between people, and how different it is between teens and adults.

This question was submitted online using the form on our webpage, If you would like to submit a question of your own, you can do so at that link, and you can find the link in the description as well! If you like the podcast and want to help support us, please share the podcast!

Thank you for joining us here on Deeper Roots. Let’s get to the conversation!



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Deeper Roots is a ministry of Iglesia Biblica Bautista Vida Nueva, which is a local church in Castro Valley, CA. You can learn more about us and our church by going to our website.

Derrick Saenz

Derrick Saenz is a digital media artist, who specializes in graphic and brand design, and also works in video and photography.

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