Can Creation and Evolution Co-Exist?
Hey everyone and welcome back to Deeper Roots.
One of the most common topics that come up between Christians and non-Christians is the debate between Creation and Evolution. As Christians, we believe in the fact that God created us and created the world and the animals the way that we are now. Of course, in that there is room for things like adaptation or micro-evolution, things that we can observe today. However, people who think that evolution is the correct way our world got to the way it is believe that it happened over a loooong period of time, and before it was wildly different from how it is now.
These sides obviously clash with each other, and then we go to the debate of creationism and the big bang, and we can just go on forever about how the other side is wrong. But the question today takes the concepts and puts them together. Is it possible that God took longer than 6 days to create the universe? Can creation and evolution co-exist? We answer these questions from a biblical standpoint in this episode, and it may not be exactly what you think the answer would be, so I hope you listen through and enjoy the podcast.
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Thank you for joining us today on Deeper Roots. Its always a pleasure to bring us into the conversation, so let’s get to it!
Instagram: @deeperroots_podcast
Deeper Roots is a ministry of Iglesia Biblica Bautista Vida Nueva, which is a local church in Castro Valley, CA. You can learn more about us and our church by going to our website.